“It’s about improving focus by being mindful about the task at hand and taking breaks to recover. “The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy that allows you to focus on writing, grading papers, responding to emails or any work you can compartmentalize into smaller pieces” said Ahern-Dodson, who teaches the technique in writing workshops. LinkedIn Learning, which Duke community members can access for free, has courses on the Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique works because it breaks down large projects into smaller obtainable goals, helps you anticipate the duration of tasks and provides breaks to relax, said Jennifer Ahern-Dodson, an assistant professor of the practice in Duke’s Thompson Writing Program and director of the Faculty Write Program. I can’t write a book in 25 minutes, but I can outline my ideas or write an introduction.” “I’m now much more aware of what I can complete in a specific chunk of time. “The Pomodoro keeps me grounded in reality,” said Thomas, senior associate dean for Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. Her practice is known as the Pomodoro Technique, suggests you work on a big or small task in increments of 25 minutes, taking short breaks after each session to do something unrelated to work.

When the timer beeps, Thomas takes a 5-minute break.

She sets the timer for 25-minutes and gets started on single task such as responding to email, writing a transition paragraph in her book about Black doll production in the 20 th century or preparing for an upcoming meeting. A small red timer in the shape of a tomato is the key to Sabrina Thomas’ focus.